New Quest

Radyx Program Overview

  • Coaching By Radyx

  • Community Support

  • 2 Levels

The Radyx program is designed to improve individual and team effectiveness and growth.

We begin with taking inventory of our unique TALENTS and move on to our individual and team level COMMITMENTS. Lastly, we learn how to CHECK-IN on our talents and commitments on a weekly basis.

The program is SIMPLE and COMPLETE as it is grounded in our individual personal and professional growth, as well as effective team learning and engagement.

New Quest

1. Talents (1:1)

  • Coaching By Radyx

  • Community Support

  • 2 Levels

The Radyx 1:1 development journey begins with the TALENT QUEST where you'll discover your unique natural talents, and learn how to turn talents into reliable strengths. 

Your natural talents represent your most natural abilities, or said another way, your most natural way of THINKING, SPEAKING, and ACTING.

The focus of this Quest will be to help you increase your awareness of your natural talents and begin changing your internal dialogue around these talents, as well as the dialogue you will have with your coach.

New Quest

2. Commitments (1:1)

  • Coaching By Radyx

  • Community Support

  • 5 Levels

The Radyx 1:1 development journey next advances to the COMMITMENT QUEST, where you will learn how to develop your WORK, SELF, and NON-WORK COMMITMENTS.

During this Quest you will see how becoming committed to your vision and purpose is a progressive journey, resulting in improved skill and increased effectiveness.

You will learn how a commitment is much more than a goal, including a powerful VISION, a compelling PURPOSE, and specific GOALS that will now align with your vision and purpose.

New Quest

3. Check-in (1:1)

  • Coaching By Radyx

  • Community Support

  • 33 Levels

After completing your first two 1:1 QUESTS you are now ready to regularly CHECK-IN on a weekly basis.

During this quest you will learn how to expand your IMAGINATION by asking yourself one BIG QUESTION each week, and then discussing the results with your 1:1 coach.

You will learn how to set (3) weekly INTENTIONS, and align them with your GOALS AND COMMITMENTS.

Lastly, you'll learn to develop your natural TALENTS by reflecting on your skillful and unskillful application of talent.

New Quest

1. Talents (Team)

  • Coaching By Radyx

  • Community Support

  • 2 Levels

The Radyx team development journey begins with the TALENT QUEST, so that each team member can discover their unique natural talents, as well as the unique natural talents of their team members. 

These natural talents represent our most natural abilities, or said another way, our most natural way of THINKING, SPEAKING, and ACTING.

The focus of this Quest will be to help all team members learn to better relate to one another, as well as begin to learn how to turn talents into enduring strengths.

New Quest

2. Commitments (Team)

  • Coaching By Radyx

  • Community Support

  • 2 Levels

The Radyx team development journey next advances to the COMMITMENT QUEST, where we will together plan and collaborate to develop individual and overall team commitments.

During this Quest we will see how becoming truly committed to our team is a journey, and one we can thoroughly enjoy together.

We will learn how a commitment is much more than a goal, as it includes a powerful VISION, combined with a very compelling PURPOSE, and lastly we will add specific GOALS... which will all now be ALIGNED with our vision and purpose.